Sunday Feb. 26, 2012
2012 has already been a year to remember. Had a great weekend of shredding pow at Baker, and hanging out with good friends around Bellingham for my birthday. Also got to hang out with Michael Howell for his birthday (prime rib throw down). Next came flying to St. Louis, MO for a Shirley Sahrmann course that I've wanted to take for a while. Got to meet a bunch of nice people, learn from one of the best in the business, and spend some quality time with Shirley. There's the possibility of going for one of their "satellite" fellowship programs around Seattle this next year. Many exciting possibilities. Then there's the "not so cool" moments of 2012. Take losing my job with zero notice for instance. "We have to send you home right now- and we've given your patients to other full time staff members." Hmmmm....OK....guess I'll be going now.......cue road trip. Hmmmmm......winter has been hit or miss so far.......Tahoe is bare.......Baker is teeming with people......Hurricane is too unpredictable......The high biking trails are covered in snow........I guess I'll take the John Barnes Myofascial Release seminar series in Sedona, hit up Tahoe for some recreating, maybe some climbing in Vegas, and who knows- an exploratory mission to Virgin, UT for some meat hucking good times. I threw my splitty (but not my inbounds board-a decision that might have come back to bite me), climbing gear, bed, food, camping gear, and two bike (DH/XC) on the van and pried myself out the door Feb. 8th around 6 PM. Drove to Eugene and passed out at a rest area (slept surprisingly well), then through Shasta/Weed, and over to Truckee via Reno the next day. Met up with Daron at the Backcountry, put down a beer (right to the head), then to the bar (Daron's friend hook'n it up), then to the Cottonwood where I ran into Charlie, Rob Anthony, Warren/Christy, etc. Man I was passed out on my feet for hours!!
Daron decided to let me borrow the WR 450F for some desert moto action the next day. We met up with a group of people including Charlie, Mike (BC owner), Greg Long (!!), and some other dudes. We rode briskly around, and my R arm pumped out in no kidding 5 minutes. Nuclear arm pump abound, I piloted that motorcycle all over the desert that day. Up hill climbs, through washes, over rock waterfalls, UP rock waterfalls, etc. Oh, and whoops, LOTS and LOTS of whoops (think big, evenly spaced out bumps) that you have to hit just right to keep your momentum, speed, and balance dialed. It was a LOT of fun, and I was already looking forward to doing it again. I didn't have to wait long. We rode three days in a row!! The next day was nearby, but a bit different zone. We just charged around exploring a wealth of tight twisty desert singletrack. SOOOOOO much fun!!! Day three was the Black Mamba. 2 hrs away and every bit worth it. We did a long chilly rode ride to a fun trail that brought us out at an amazing view point (dried up huge lake bed, mountains for as far as you can see). We then twisted around and down to the lake, followed by some crazy wash riding. Then the MAMBA. A huge third gear aching hill climb leads to a traverse over some exposure before gaining the first saddle. Looking up the ridge I gasped. A multi-tiered climb right on the ridge with exposure on both sides!!! Daron stuck it first go, then watched me flail a few times before I high pointed it enough to make me happy (or maybe I was too tired to try it again!!). We dropped over the other side, did another couple amazing hill climbs, scoped some just bonkers hill climbs, and explored around a bit more before I ran out of gas, and had to head for the truck before the reserve ran out.
The next day we had some powder and headed for Sugarbowl. Nothing like riding bony inbounds pow on your splitty. I took a couple brutal core shots, but had some good pow- mainly on obscure runs like Cornice Bowl or random tree shots.
Castle Peak was the plan the following day. Sam came up from the Bay Area, and we joined Justin (Mountain Hardware), Emily (first time touring in a while), and Matt Delheimer. We got some really good turns in back there and lapped it a few times before the team pushed off. Sam and I stayed and rode one more lap. It was my worst lap as I got sucked into a cliff band. It turned from bad to worse as I hit a sheet of ice before the bottleneck on this chute, and self-arrested around 5' from disaster. It was not wide enough to side slip through and I had to jump to my feet and point it through the choke before surfing the L wall (icy) and hucking off a rock in relief back into the main gully. Feet hurting we skinned back to the car- the LONG way of course (why do enticing pow fields always lead you astray?!!). Thanks Sam- I told you.
The next day was one of the defining moments of my year/trip/life. I blew Dawg off for touring on the W. Shore, then hit up the Bowl again with Emily, Matt, and Sam. The wind had kicked up STRONG and the snow was very defected. Good in spots, icy in others. We did some hucking over in Strawberry Fields which was fun. Then towards the end of the day, we were off of Lincoln near Clines/Ottersons. I made the snap decision to do Clines instead of Ottersons since there wasn't a hike out at the bottom. I came into the R shoulder with some speed, and began negotiating the treed shoulder. I struck an underground object and deflected off, gaining speed and momentum before wrapping my L leg around a tree. It was a violent collision. It spun me around 360 deg and deposited me on my butt in a seated position. The only problem was the loud "SNAP" I heard mid-collision. My leg felt immediate pressure and pain. I tried to move my leg and there was nothing restraining the movement. It felt like my shin was jelly and my leg was a rubber band- with pointy edges. I felt bone fragments shear over one another. I knew it in my gut before I even tried to move that I had totally destroyed my leg. Sure enough. There I was. By myself. Off of the main run. Leg screaming. I let out a loud F-$%!!! at the top of my lungs, then sat in total peace with the situation. I got out my phone and began google searching Sugarbowl Ski Patrol with my hands visibly shaking. In a classic display of futility I navigated all over the Sugarbowl website before giving up momentarily. Then a group emerged nearby. I screamed HELP at the top of my lungs and they headed over. One person was sent to get ski patrol and the other three stayed with me. I was in total shock. The pain wasn't unbearable, but I began feeling the cold setting in. After what felt like an eternity that was probably only ~10 minutes, ski patrol showed up. Andy took the lead and was surprised when I stated in a matter-of-fact manner that I had broke my tibia and fibula. He took a quick peak and despite my pleading loosened my boot. There was significant angulation and a 1/2" elevated ridge that looked ominously like my worst suspicions. He whipped out a cardboard splint and got my board off. Then he threw another larger wooden/foam splint over that and got me loaded into the sled. I really wanted to sit up and hold my leg steady, but was encouraged to lay down and get bundled up. The first bit was tenuous at best. We were on a side-hill with a bunch of beat up snow and trees/hidden objects. Sure enough, they navigated me with skill across the slope and onto Clines groomer. Then I got hooked up to a snowmobile for a bit on the flat, more skier power on the downhill, and finally snowmobile to the base. They got me into the first aid room via a little loading ramp and I started to shake more uncontrollably. The nurse wanted to look at the leg too, but I kept deferring because I knew there was nothing she could help me with (unless she had some morphine- which I knew she didn't). They did all the obligatory paperwork (can we go now?!!!), then I got tossed in the back of Matt D's Tacoma and transported down to the Tahoe Forest Therapy Hospital in Truckee. From there it was accelerated for a bit. Lots of vitals, blood work, etc. led up to me getting temporarily knocked out so they could get my boot off and clothes off. I woke up and was told that I repeatedly kept trying to get up and was flailing my arms around and had to be held down. Whoops!! I was naked in a gown with a fiberglass splint on my leg. It actually felt pretty good. I went to x-ray where they confirmed that I would indeed be getting surgery that evening. 6 hours after I last ate I was in the operating room. I only remember being wheeled into the room and watching the anesthesiologist push a syringe into my IV. I woke up out of surgery with my leg wrapped and elevated. Whew!!! No pain that was for sure!! That changed around 3:30 AM when I woke up super uncomfortable, restless, and in pounding pain. The great nurses got me sedated and fed. They also got me to urinate around 4 AM with the threat of a catheter if I couldn't do it on my own. It was a LOT harder to pee than I thought, but I was NUMB down there!!! It was one of the strangest sensations I've ever felt!! I took care of business and avoided the pee tube!! The next morning (thankfully I made it!!), Emily came and got me out of the hospital, picked up my meds and some movies, then got me back to Matt and Daron's. Their steps were a pain in my ass, but I butt scooted, hopped, and crutched my way up to their floor.
Those first couple days were tough. I was popping pain pills, trying to get comfortable, and sleeping for most of it. Warren and Charlie came over to see me. The last night in Truckee Sam and I went to Casa for Margaritas and I made the poor decision to get us a pitcher. Bad idea. It really didn't get along too well with me and I felt kinda green the rest of the night. The next morning Sam helped me pack up all of my shtuff, and we boogied out around 10AM. We stopped and had lunch in Shasta (interesting tourist trap town) at the quintessential hippy digs. Again I slept most of the journey and Sam cranked it out on Monster Lo-Carb drinks and sunflower seeds. Hey- whatever works for 14 hrs of straight driving, eh?!!
SO I've been home for one week now. Lily has been a HUGE help and a wonderful companion to have around. She has been cooking, cleaning, and helping my mound of pillows move around the house as needed. I'm going to try to make the most out of this opportunity. Hopefully develop my app!!! I'm already WAY over laying around with my leg up!! Lily is out shredding 2' of new snow at the Ridge, and I'm here doing ROM exercises to my painful ankle and knee. I think the big mission of the day is going to be a shower and MAYBE even a drive into town to watch some Buckeye hoops. More ramblings to come..........I'm gonna go rest with some warm water running over my head!!
Holy crap dude! I haven't checked in on your page in a while, and now I see this. Feel better man!