Sunday, August 16, 2009

Richland update

Well, it's been quite a while since my last post. Life usual...crazy. I've been working here for nearly 8.5 weeks and time sure does fly!! I've been back to Bellingham most weekends w/ some trips into BC as well. Brad, Lindsay, Chris (from Bend, OR), Lily and I went up and rode Mt. Fromme and Mt. Seymour a few weeks back. We did Upper Oilcan (haven't been on that in a while!!), then we split up and Brad, Chris, and I went up and rode GMG (first time!!). It was indeed gnarly!! Super fun steep natural terrain for the first bit, then into the stunts that characterize the trail. Some were broken, including the super steep staircase and a logride to drop, but we were still able to squeek in most of the moves. I hit the skinny to teeter to boulder to drop move first go (Brad got a sweet pic of me), then fell off the skinny second go (for more pics), and finally got it again the third go. The skinny was shaky even to walk on!! We rode the long log ride to drop, the skinny to turn to skinny drop to steepie ledges (Brad hooked his front tire on a big rock and went down pretty hard.....sustaining a broken wrist?!!). We even ran into some hikers towards the end!! They were as surprised as we were to see each other!! We got down a bit late as the ladies were waiting around a bit (whoops!!). We then hit up Seymour and rode CBC to corkscrew to Pangor/Pingu. Fun as usual. Brad and I were just absolutely CHARGING that lap!! Brad and I got shuttled up again and rode some "Darkside trails" that just RULED!! We rode Hangman and a new loamy-ass bottom trail that made us laugh out loud and high five each other a LOT!! Man if only I had a helmet cam!! We went to the Raven's Den for some pub food and beers (well deserved!!). What a day!!!

Lily and I also went to Whistler last weekend and checked out Crankworx (kick off). It was a hoot and my bike didn't blow up this time!! We made it to Bham on Friday, met up w/ Steve-O, and rallied to BC the next morning-ish. That was after Daron f'd up my bike late-night style in Seattle. I showed up in Bham at nearly 2am!! Tom got us all jacked up on amazing espresso the next morning and we buzzed our way through the border and up Rt 99. The two lane expansion made the drive fly by!!! We ripped the park up pretty good the first day, checked out some skatepark action that night (ran into David Toutain again....killing it on his board as usual!!). The next day Lily had a serious break out day and warmed up on No Joke (double black from the TOP), and didn't stop all day. She wasn't just making it through, she was KILLING IT!! I ran into Chris from London and we did a few hot laps together. Steve-0 and I snuck off and rode Trespasser (WOW!!), and we both had a few hoots!! It rained Sunday night and Lily and I bailed back to Bham on Monday, and chilled out that night and Tues AM. I made it back to Pasco (after moving out of psych Tracy's house the week before....whole other story!!) at a reasonable time (for once). Ahhhh yes......only 5 more weeks to go before.....??????