Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Oct. 23, 2009- Taster's Choice and 49er (Blewett, BC

Friday Oct. 23, 2009- Taster's Choice and 49er (Blewett, BC)

Taking another leisurely morning to get going here in Nelson, BC.  We had an impromptu dinner party last night w/ Leslie and Stephanie showing up after the girls yoga practice ended.  Vince and I whipped up a bomber veggie lasagna w/ some unwieldy noodles that did not want to cook.  Al dente!!  Yesterday Vince was gracious enough to shuttle me up the Blewett area.  I got 2 laps on Taster's Choice (once from the top top), and 1 lap on 49er.  Both were fun and pedaly in sections.  Taster's had a really smooth FSR to drive up on (bonus!!).  We went up 11k and then I pushed my bike through a short road section that had a TON of fallen logs on it.  I angled towards the edge of the clearing and sure enough, there was a sign on the tree....."Taster's Choice."  I'll be damned!!  BIking is crazy like that......where else do you wander aimlessly up FSR's in search of a little parting of the bushes on the side of the road?!!  It started out fun w/ some pedaly sections.  Once it got ripping I had the funniest thing happen.....Kinda......2 snarling good sized dogs came leaping out of a blind corner!!  They scared the shit out of me!!  And they weren't going away easily!!  I was screaming at the top of my lungs..."GET BACK!!" over and over.  The gray one was taking some snaps at me!!  I'm trying to ride my bike AND fend off these dogs!!  Then I heard a silent whistle blow and they abated for a moment before resuming their snarling chase of me.  After a few more snaps I heard the whistle again and they circled back.  My adrenaline was pumping HARD!!  For a moment I was disoriented and thought I had passed my intended trail.  Then I kept riding and found the next spur.  There were some wide open jumps made of wood (shooters) that were pretty fun (I was surprised to see built stuff this far up in the mountains!!).  After a multitude of false summit climbing I crested out and began descending for a LONG time!!  There were a few hairy sections and one zone that I had to go around completely!!  It looked like a rock drop into some loose crappy runout that I almost onsighted.  Then I got off the bike and went over and actually looked at it.  It was an easy 10+' drop into some roots and loose rocks.  I didn't want it that bad (especially by myself!!).  I did hit everything else on the trail onsight.  Then it got steeper and rockier and crossed the road a few times.  I thought it was done.  Nope!!  Keep going.....taking a L or R when you hit a road, then back into the trail- sometimes very nondescript.  THEN I went back up again- this time only to the 8k marker for the "all down" ride.  I rode the second lap a lot faster and more confidently- and still didn't do the rock drop move!!  3rd move here that I haven't done (The crack on Paperbag, Kinrade's carazy hip jump on Pulmonary, and this).  It was still light out and I talked Vince into taking a drive up Copper Mountain to check out 49er.  The road wound through some old farms and then onto a road w/ a TON of No Trespassing signs.  It had to be the right road so we kept going.  An older man and a dog were walking and we came to a stop.  The man turned out to be friendly and told us "don't cut any firewood!!".  No worries!!  

About half of a mile later the road turned nasty.  Waterbars, huge puddles, rocks, washed out veins in the road, etc.  You know what?  The 'yota rallied to the occasion and we were able to make it all the way up!!  There was substantial damage to the bumper in the way of a flapper of metal (it's pretty rusty) that was pointing out those shins!!  What a beast!!  

The trail was really fun w/ a bunch of log ride stunts that were pretty well built.  I was pretty amazed that there were that many stunts out in the middle of frickin nowhere!!  The run was divided into 3 sections and ended at a spur road that I climbed up and met Vince.  That trail was really well maintained and had a BUNCH of trees cut out (lots of downfall!!).  It was a lot of side-hilling, but had a good flow.  Then there were the obligatory steepies that define the Kootenay riding!!  We ended the day by the above mentioned dinner party!!  Life is good!!  

Monday Oct. 19th- N. Shore Trails (Nelson) and Goldmember

Monday Oct. 19th Lily was gracious enough to play shuttle driver.  We rallied up to Giveout Creek FSR then onto Gold Creek FSR and up to Goldmember (I had tried to get up there previously but it was too icy).  We bailed on Upper Goldmember and I dropped in.  It was a really fun trail, faster than most in Nelson.  A few logrides for good measure.  I beat Lily back down!!  Then Lily decided to bail on the afternoon yoga class (anatomy) and cruise over to the N. Shore w/ me.  We stopped at North Shore Naturals shop and bought a couple of turkey paninis that were dank.  The woman and her little girl were just chilling out at the shop.  Looked like a cozy gig!!  

We rallied up Kokanee Glacier Road, then onto Benson Creek FSR and over to Newtsac.  Again the yota rallied hard, but I still hiked it up past a good number of menacing waterbars.  The trail was fun and not quite as crazy as I remembered it.  The top was a little "slidey" and loose w/ a good number of rock slabs to negotiate.  There were also a good few sections of woodwork and logrides.  All in all a great trail!!  Then it was onto Shitaker!!  It started off w/ a cool rock roll then into a burnt, hollow 1/2 log that was pretty steep!!  A sharp berm was built out of it, then a little transfer jump, berm, stepdown, then hip jump.  Lily took a few pics that came out great!!  The next move was a stepdown that went under a downed tree, into a nice step-up.  I overshot it the first time and landed on the log lining the trail!!  I jumped off the bike seamlessly and ran it out!!  Great crash when you don't crash!!  I went back up and did the whole line again.  It had another few rock slabs and some flowy sections before hitting the ending section shared by the other two trails in the area- Nooner and Morning Sickness.  It had a super fun logride that went for a ways into a drop then a steepish section into a brapper of a L (uphill).  Pretty cool!!  Then there was a steep finishing section that I triple dropped and got a little buckwild on (into a prayer of a R corner that I somehow made!!).  Lily dropped me back off on Morning Sickness and I rallied the series of sweet, slightly overgrown rock roll features that defined the trail.  I really liked the moves and was stoked that I rode it!!  It ended on the same lower trail.  One more time back up to the top and finished off w/ Nooner which had a bunch of steepies and a few log rides and rock faces.  WOW what a day!!  As always a delicious dinner back at the Cottonwood Ave residence to cap off the night!!  

Awakener (Oct. 16th, 2009)

Friday Oct. 16th, 2009

Met up w/ Mia, Mark (owner of Sacred Ride), and Simon (Devinci rep) for a morning lap.  We rode "middle" Highballer to Placenta Descenta to the Rise and Fry to Wake and Bake to the "old" Pulmonary to complete the old school morning according to Mark.  I followed Mia for a while and at 40 she was RIPPING!!  Good to see!!  We pedaled back to the shop a few kilometers and I got some new pedals and brake levers since my carbon ones finally got smashed.  Bill- 179$.  Who said freeriding was free?!!  Got in touch w/ Simon who was headed out to Castelgar.  He phoned up Trent Z. and I picked up Josh and we headed to Robson and up Rialto FSR 9k.  We dropped into the trail and immediately there was a 5, 10, 15, 20, then 25' wood to dirt jump line- shooters more than booters.  We checked em oot then sessioned them up proper like a few times.  There were a few sweet DH sections that were fast and flowy w/ nice berms.  In no specific order we rode the huge step-up (new) line off to the R, then there was the nice rock gap (15+') that flowed into an uphill wood roller onto a huge log-ride (elevated) section that ends up going out straight for a while, then off a nice 8'+ drop into a 15' creek gap that I onsighted.  Pretty stoked on that line!!  Nobody else tried it.  Same went for a long logride section that was kind of slick looking but was fine, I just took it rather slow.  There was then another uphill logride onto a log that had a turn then another lobber off wood onto a steep wooden landing- super rad.  We hit that a couple times.  Then there was the fateful gap transfer line that didn't go well for Josh.  He got buckwild and landed hard on his shoulder sustaining a serious AC separation.  I took him to the hospital and drove him back to his house, bought pizza and had a few beers w/ him.  I knew he was bummed but we laughed about the day and traded stories over some bomb ass Mediterranian 57 Pizza.  "Some times you summit, sometimes you plummet!!"  Awakener was by far my overall favorite trail so far this trip.  Super fun freeride line w/ some nice jumps and amazingly solid construction.  Gonna have to flow the whole trail before I split out of town!!  


RIP Pat Dolan

RIP Pat Dolan

I was informed that a close friend has passed on.  Pat Dolan fought a long and courageous fight with breast cancer.  Her will was strong and her heart sure of its love.  She will be missed.  I can remember a lot of stories...... Like putting my arm through her glass door and getting stitches.  Late night parties as a child....mingling w/ tons of people and crashing out w/ the action still swinging strong.  Beating on her drums on the Friday ritual w/ my mama.  Going to Dolan's and then onto the W. 25th St. market.....back then an open aired multi-lingual intermingling of many walks of life.  Sampling various flavors and aromas.  She received an obvious outpouring of love and friendship for which I'm sure she was grateful.  You will forever be in our thoughts and souls Dolan.  

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pics of "Balls Deep"- Nelson, BC

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tues. Oct. 13, 2009- Paper Bag and Bedframe

Woke up at a leisurely 10:30 today, and greeted Lily who was finishing up her morning session of yoga.  She gave me a ride up Svoboda Rd as far as possible before the gate.  I then pushed and rode up for another 30 min to the top of Paper Bag.  Hailed as one of Nelson's best rides I didn't quite know what to expect seeing as the other black diamonds have been pretty damn techy!!  It turned out to be a bit "pedaly" with techy rock moves in between.  There was one move that I didn't do.  It was an alternate line off to the L that I started down.  Then it rode out a very exposed ridge of rock into a small drop in steep terrain then pinning it out in a tight rock section w/ a stump right in the middle.  It was burly!!  The trail had a few good steep sections and lots of rock rolls/slabs.  A very cool trail indeed.  Definitely not my favorite, but good nonetheless.  I'd come back w/ a group and hit that one move (can you say photogenic line?!!!).  Then I pedaled back 5-6k along the railroad grade.  I was way past the orange bridge that takes you across the Kootenay Lake to the N. Shore of Nelson.  I pedaled back to the house and grabbed the truck.  I wanted to get one more run in since the weather was definitely rolling in and my knee felt great!!  I drove up hwy 6 to Giveout Creek FSR, then to Gold Creek FSR.  I was looking to do Goldmember.  I was going to pedal back to town and get a ride up from Vince.  Then it started to get icy.  There was steep section after steep section on the fire road and it was white.  Luckily there was still gravel sticking up enough to give ample traction.  I still backed off after a few too many steep frosty sections to negotiate.  Plus I didn't want to ride a frozen trail the whole time!!  I drove back up Giveout Creek FSR up to 7K mark.  I called Vince and arranged a pick-up at the bottom of Pulmonary on Hwy 3 at Grohnan Narrows Park.  I then proceeded to rip Bedframe.  What a fun trail!!  Steep and rocky w/ tons of rock rolls and flowy DH sections.  I crossed the road and rode Pulmonary (the "short" version this time).  Another unique trail that rolls down rock slab after rock slab.  I ran into Mike Kinrade's hip jump and just shook my head in amazement.  Just when you think you can hit jumps you run into something like this.  You roll down a rock face then start back up another one, then hit a hip booster built of wood off the top of the rock.  The landing is around 25-30' away and is on the same rock formation that you take off of!!  It was silly.  I rode the remaining slabs to the bottom which had a sweet exit move into the abandoned construction zone.  I pushed back up the road for a second and hit the end move on another trail.  Short roll, track stand tight corner, roll down some rocks piled up w/ mega exposure, track stand, turn L, rock slab chute.  A very cool move indeed!!  

Vince then graciously picked me up and gave me a ride back up to my truck.  We both met back at the house and we made turkey tacos w/ Vince's fresh peach, avocado, tomato salsa.  Vince and I then worked on the girls (they owe us for another time since they're beat from yoga!!) w/ thai yoga in the living room.  That stuff is cool and delivers great results.  I wish more people knew about thai yoga massage because it kicks ass!!  Looks like rain and snow tonight and tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get some more good days to ride this trip!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


 Oct. 10th, 2009

Today I woke up at 510 Cottonwood Ave. in Nelson, BC!!  The bed was comfy and larger than we've been used to.  Lily was awake early, obviously excited to start yoga teacher training.  I slept a little while longer, then got up and had delicious coffee and french toast.  We hung out w/ our new roomies Vince and Marie and had good conversation before they went for a morning walk.  Lily shuttled me up Giveout Creek FSR to Bedframe.  The road was pretty mellow and we were able to make it up 7-8K quick.  Lily walked down to the lookout and we hung out for a minute before parting ways.  The trail was more techy than I remember and I had to negotiate a number of steep rock moves.  It was a super fun trail and I rallied out onto the road and tried to find Pulmonary.  Instead I got going down Skier's Right and was wondering when the steep slabs were going to show up.  Instead it was fun and flowy w/ a number of transfer moves onto woodwork.  I came out at the bottom and luckily ran into a group of 3 riders that were setting a shuttle.  Jeff and his buddies were cool and we rode up a gnarly 4x4 road to get to lower Powerslave.  It was a super wicked trail that was slightly frosty/snowy but hooked up great.  It had a number of steep wooden whoopdies that were pretty tall!!  A couple of them were off-camber.  We blazed out of that trail and down to Placenta Descenta that passes nearby Blewitt Ski Area.  It was fun and had a good number of rock gardens to negotiate.  It definitely wasn't as steep as Bedframe!!  It came out across from Pulmonary.  This time we actually got on the right trail.  Momentarily.  The sign reads "long L and short R."  I'm thinking longer is better and blaze L.  Too bad it was a completely different trail!!  It traversed back and forth and back and forth......

It was really cool because it milked the hell out of the terrain and was mostly mossy rock slabs (low angle).  We came out down the road from the exit of Pulmonary and pedaled back to the bottom truck.  I milked another ride up and rode The Gimp for the grand finale.  I was riding along thinking how sweet it was, loamy top section through some larger trees, steep but fun, surfy.  Then it just turned much more gnarly all of a sudden.  I was super stoked to ride it all, minus that one instance where I got flung off the bike.  I slammed my R tibial tuberosity and it hurt pretty bad even w/ the pads on!!  There were a few logrides that I nailed.  Super rad trail overall.  Definitely the gnarliest trail I've ridden here so far.  I rode back to the house, and Lily and Marie made a super yummy tofu veggie stir-fry w/ quinoa.  I think I can get used to this........Except for that R knee pain!!

Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009

Driving to Tonasket WA after spending this morning in Vancouver at Leslie and John's house.  Saturday I drove up to Vancouver and crashed at John's.  We hooked up w/ Colin, Steve (from Cove Bike Shop), and ?? who also rode a Cove STD.  We rode a couple of CBC to Pangor/Pingu and Boogieman laps.  I started off feeling strong but quickly fell into survival mode.  John was ripping and I let him lead most of the time.  I took a couple of diggers on those laps- one off the waterfall at the bottom of Empress (hesitated then got tangled up w/ bike in the air).  The other one was after the logride to wheeliedrop then hard R.  I crossed up the bars and took a nice charliehorse to the leg.  THEN we rode Hangman.  I forgot how gnarly that trail is!!  The other times I rode it w/ Brad I felt solid but not this time!!  I rode well, then wasn't feeling one of the rock drops.  John hit it (for the first time)  and after a couple of aborted run-ins I sent it.......right into a tree (got bucked when I landed).  I jumped off the bike JUST in time!!  Then I fell boosting off a log after a super gnarly chute.  I was laughing before I even skidded out.  I hit the new-ish trail off to the R w/ the couple jumps, and John went straight.  We didn't run into each other for a few minutes as I started climbing out when he wasn't there.  I felt WRECKED after that day.  Probably b/c of the events from the past Wednesday (Lily shuttling me at N. Fork solo w/ helmet cam), and Friday (riding w/ Owen, Woods, and ??).  That was the nearly fateful day where we got the pleasure to ride upper Dirt Renyold and the unfortunate finding of two trees down on the landing of Hell's Kitchen (8' drop to 20-25' stepdown).  We were in a train w/ Owen up front, me behind him filming, and Woods behind me.  Owen is charging out in front and IN THE AIR I hear a "oh shit!!!"  To my horror I look up and see the trees in the landing just as he crashed through some branches and starts tumbling.  I come in hot and crash through the limbs, get squirrely, then run over owen and his bike and wreck.  Woods somehow landed, and was able to avoid us!!  I walked away w/ the worst of it.....a gnarly gash on my L shin.  I think it was either a pointy branch, pedal, or rock.  We walked around stunned and x'd off the drop/jump so nobody repeated the feat.  We split out after cleaning out our pants.  I went back to Tom's house and cleaned out my leg.  Nothing to butterfly or stitch.  Just a big gouge.  I wrapped it up and put on some antibiotic stuff.  Gonna have to keep that one clean!!!  

Fast forward back to Monday- John, Lily, Christiaan, and I head up to Whistler.  I felt like death warmed over and wasn't  even sure I was gonna ride.  Lily didn't have a bike since Woods stiffed her on a bike loaner.  Turned out to be a kick ass day regardless.  Lily rented a Rocky Mountain Flatline and we raged it pretty hard for 5 hrs.  I got Lily on helmet cam ripping it hard on Ninja Cougar and Angry Pirate as well as A line.  I also got a good few of John ripping the trails up.  We also ran into Boomer and Julie and took a few laps w/ them.  Julie was a ripper and was 2 seconds behind on A line hot laps....impressive indeed seeing as she was less than a year out of a broken neck.  Boomer was ripping it hard as usual, especially for a 51 yr old!!  John and Christiaan bailed back to Vancouver and Lily and I chilled at Boomer's w/ Julie- had pesto pasta and watched bike porn- and ate local Gelatto.  We camped out at the usual chill camp spot toward Pemberton.  

The next morning we woke up, had coffee at camp, then cruised to Pemberton and had breakfast at the Wildwood Cafe after checking in at the LBS (local bike shop).  Lily and I devoured lumberjack breakfasts complete w/ sausage AND bacon (surely not vegan or vegetarian!!).  Funny how I can eat like an angel for months then break into full "whatever" mode on a dime (just add road trip and bikes).  We then drove over to the Mackenzie Trails (the local gnar gnar zone).  I drove the 'Yota up some gnarly fire roads and water bars until it didn't seem smart to have it in the current predicament.  I turned it around on an uphill w/o a turnaround (which is a feat in my truck).  I then grabbed my bike, said goodbye to Lily and pushed up for another 30 minutes to the cell phone towers (after making a few good choices on road splits).  After poking around I found a trail but it went uphill.  I called the shop and found the trail back down the road a bit.  Gravitron started w/ a gap jump, then went right into the business......mega loose steepies between trees.  It was certainly epic.  I was given all that I could handle a few times but didn't wreck or walk anything.  I was pretty stoked, but didn't find Bob Gnarly and ended up riding Overnight Sensation to Blood Sweat and Fear.  Both of those were single blacks but were still steep and rocky.  Lily shuttled me back up to the hang glider launch which had stelar views of the valley and local jagged snow-capped mountain peaks.  I then rode Cop Killer which started off w/ steep loose sections, then had a dead tree climb-over section, then rock rolls, steep off camber loose chutes, and a WTF rock chute move that I almost blindly rolled into.  You started off on top of a cliff band, skidded around a steep corner, then plunged into a narrow chute w/ rock on both side and a root weave through the middle with a microwave sized rock in the worst position possible at the bottom- into a loose steepie then a loose rock built up berm.  Contestant for "gnarliest move ever seen!!!"  It then traversed the mountain in a talus field w/ exposed off camber rock slabs and generally uber-techical moves strung together.  Quite the riding experience!!  It dropped out on an empty road that I pedaled back past a old cabin and along the river to the truck.  I finished off the day shuttling Lily on Over Night Sensation and BSnF.  She had a little trouble finding the entrance and I waited mid-way for a bit taking pictures of the amazing mountain ranges that permeate throughout the valley.  We rolled back into town and got a six pack, then progressed to chug 2 each before dinner......ahhhhh!!  We ate at The Pony- shwanky pub kinda gig.  I had an organic burger that I didn't even need ketchup for (first?!).  We rolled back to the camp spot and passed out in a state of bliss.  

It was cold the next AM and we didn't really want to get out of the back of the truck.  We finally got motivated and went to Creekside for some Southside Diner action.  They have great coffee (fair trade, organic).  We then swooped by Boomer's and hung out for a bit.  Lily rented a Specialized Demo 8 and we ripped the park for 5-6 hrs.  It was fun as usual and we met up w/ Boomer later in the day for some dueling helmet cams.  He got some sweet footie of me doing A-line, Dirt Merchant, and Schleyer.  I rode South of Heaven w/ Lily (she rode most of it, minus the rock roll to hole to chunder).  Another brilliant day at Whistler!!  We swung through the skate park, had a beer, and ran into the local BMX hook up, Dave.  Then to the grocery store, and Boomers for Turkey burgers.  We pulled out kind of late, but made it back to Vancouver by 11.  Woke up to the in-house vacuum at J n Leslie's.  Hung out for a bit, messed w/ Lily's Nova which didn't want to start, then drove to Bellingham.  We re-packed the truck at Tom's, I worked on Lily and Tom's backs, we pounded a bunch of espresso, ate and got groceries at the Public Market, dropped the car off at Dana's (on Electric Ave- sweet house), and started yet another driving mission.  This one to Tonasket (where Lily grew up), where they're holding the Barter Fair this weekend.  Then off to Nelson in the AM!!  Lily starts yoga teacher training on Saturday.  I get the distinct honor of hanging out, reading, riding my bike, doing yoga, and CHILLIN!!  Should be a fun few weeks!!  Then it looks like back to Port Angeles to work at OMC for a little while!!  Stay tuned!!

Ohio Visit!!

Sept. 28th, 2009

Just sitting in the airport terminal....early this time since my trip here almost didn't happen due to tardiness.  Had a nice lunch w/ my Mama, Gramps, and Phyllis today in N. Olmsted.  We chatted about various trips we had taken and what we've been up to.  I'm happy for Gramps since he is more active than ever recently, although Grammy can never be replaced.  I got to see Dale and Patricia first after getting off the plane.  They had accrued a good amount of the China cabinets and various antiques from the house on Cottonwood Trail.  Their house was beautifully adorned with woodworking, artwork, and old pictures from the family.  I showed them a bunch of pics and the couple short vids I have (biking, boarding).  Dale said he wanted to change jobs if he could, but wasn't in a position to, and was currently unable to think about college (and didn't know what he wanted to study if he could anyways).  He always says things like "nothing exciting" when I ask him what he's been up to lately.  It's funny because it seems like he thinks I live on the edge of a cliff the whole time or something!!  I then hung out with my mom for a few days....first night at Chris's house....on his birthday.  I made them a cous cous tempeh veggie dish, then we chowed some cake and ice cream later that night.  Next we went into Lakewood to get some Phoenix coffee.  As a bonus to the Mexican mocha which was decadent, I got to see my cousin Joe.  He was doing various contractor pieces- tile, HVAC, framing, etc.  He seemed to be doing well and we shared some laughs.  I guess James is in Europe traveling around solo style since he got laid off.  After that, on the way home, we hiked for a little bit on the edge of a huge lake.  Later that night I gave mumsley a 2 hr Thai Yoga Massage which she liked overall, but probably not while I was doing it for some gnarly spots she had.  She made me some late night pasta w/ veggies in a homemade tomato-veggie sauce (w/ buckwheat noodles).  We woke up the next, ate some zucchini bread and drank some dank ass Phoenix coffee.  We then proceeded to the garage where we took on the task of rearranging one side of the garage.  We checked out some doors and moved some wood and marble to make a direct path to the "door pile."  We also made some room to get right to her tools, which may or may not stay around (she offered them to a friend so they can both use them).  It was a bit emotional, but I can imagined how difficult it is to look at a garage full of various tasks and jobs that feel overwhelming.  Nonetheless, we made a pretty solid dent in the garage and for that I felt really good walking away from it.  We showered up and went to Laura and Marks to have some dinner and visit.  Laura laid out a huge dinner of mostly vegan dishes, w/ the exception of a chicken noodle soup that was delicious.  I was surprised that Kirby looks like he started shooting steroids (bigger than Benjamin), and Sam is the tallest one in the family now!!  Claire was bossing Laura around like it was her job and I chuckled at the family dynamic throughout the night.  Gramps and Phyllis were there and we made them stay out so late (10ish) that Phyllis's daughter called to make sure they were alright!!  We had a great time chatting it up on the "as usual" diverse range of topics, most of them spinning out of control into chuckling chaos.  We cruised back to Daddy-o's after dinner and two delicious pies- one of which I was shocked to hear had a "true Oreo crust" on it!!  My how times have mom is smoking hand rolled "organic as she might point out" cigarettes, and Laura is now using Oreos in her cooking.......shocking!!  We got into N. Olmsted kind of late, but my dad and I ended up chatting until 3:30 am!!  We got up around 10ish (at least I did), and goofed around the house most of the day, we played w/ the motorcycles a bit (mine had all the plastics off of it...even the front which I never took off).  I guess the carbs were not quite right, and we got it started a few times, but it never really wanted to stayed running.  Daddy called Mark Parkinson from Cadiz and he decided to come up and give us a hand.  He figured out that the alcohol that they used to clean out the gas tank leaked down into the crank case and was being slowly expelled through the air box.  It was basically choking itself out.  Mark removed the gas tank most of the way and let the bike run (which it did!!) for a while to burn off the alcohol.  They also drained the oil, then put it all back together as I visited w/ Corrie.  She is doing well, now with a little boy (Jared) on top of Madeline, who is now a sassy young girl.  Wonder how she got to be THAT way?!!  We caught up for a while outside as Mark lounged inside around their big screen TV that Corrie states is her favorite thing to do while chowing some Doritos.  My my!!  Got the quick Berea update-  Glen Caddell- married w/ a kid now.  Nicole is in N. Carolina.  Kate is married and already found out that she was getting cheated on.....oh and she's pregnant?!!!  Nicole Stakowsky married Nate Sol.  Married and kids it is.....including Andy-man who now has TWO.  YIKES!!  I volunteered to cook and made up some fresh pesto from the garden (that is taking over the back yard!!!), then mixed it w/ chicken, and veggies I got from the Amish veggie stand.  Mark stayed over and we didn't burn the midnight oil too much (1am).  

The next day Daddy, Mark, and I ate a an omelette, then I went and got the license plate and tags from the DMV.  Now the bike was go time!!  Mark and Daddy took it around the block a couple of times to make sure it was safe.  Then I cruised it around the what a sweet feeling!!  Mark bailed and daddy and I went to On The Edge Motorsports (formerly Penton's).  Dale is still owner and busy man, even w/ the market sucking as he put it.  The plan was to get a loaner helmet so I didn't have to rock the American flag helmet that almost got tossed out a few different times.  Dale pulled out a Shoei helmet w/ Goldwing on the side and I immediately made my dad try it on.  It fit like a glove.  He told me he'd give it to me for a hundred bucks.  I didn't hesitate in taking it!!  It said 450$ on the box!!!  We poked around the upstairs antique bike gallery and then caught up w/ Aaron McDermitt (now Baldizzi).  He's about the same w/ a few more gray hairs poking out.  He's running his own trucking business and seems to be doing alright.  He told me he had a Buell 1200 for the past few yrs, but is now down to a CRF400 and a couple of 50's.  Daddy and I cruised around for a bit (about 55 miles in all), and ended up over at Jim and Eileen's.  Got to visit w/ the Waite's for a bit- Jim just got a full dresser HD, Eileen is working at Safeway b/c she got laid off from GM, Jimmy (21 yo)  is tall and Michael is still pretty chilled out.  The girls are in HS and are still rascals.  

The next morning Daddy O and I went to Athens.  It was rainy and windy for sections of the drive.  The leaves were just starting to change colors and there wasn't a ton of bright colors (which I miss about Ohio).  We showed up and got in touch w/ Jeroch and James.  Jeroch is doing a wedding (is a Reverend) at the Fur Peace Ranch (first wedding there).  He did the floral arrangement, and got a great response from the couple, Jorma, and everyone else- including a few hundred dollar tip!!  We chowed some lunch at Casa as he finished up the ceremonies and had a beer at The Pub (watching college FB).  We dropped in at Jeroch's place and was surprisingly refreshed at how badass of a place they have up on Fairview near the old Highland abode.  They're "taking care of it for friends for a year."  We then boogied out to James's house where things really haven't changed much.  We did some work on each other (James pelvis is all jacked up and Curina's back wanted to arch on ab exercises, even though she teaches pilates).  Jeroch ended up working on my dad, and Curina gave me a cold stone neck massage which reminded me of what I do to myself when I dig into my own neck.  Daddy and I then went back to Jeroch's for a while until it was time to go uptown.  There was supposed to be a funky band but it was mistakenly the night before.  We checked out Jackie-O's (O'hooley's took over the restaurant next door and connected the back decks).  It was a cool scene, but the music sucked, so we just strolled around and got our buzz on!!  I was whooped (not used to the Athens way of life) and ended up passing out on the most comfortable futon of the trip at Jeroch's.  Mark slept outside in the hammock, even w/ it raining and chilly!!  We woke up (early as usual when I'm w/ the old foggies), and wandered into town to get some Casa b-fast.  I had the usual Veggie Rancheros and homefries, and LOTS of coffee to offset the night before.  We went out to Jame's house again and played pinball and hung out for a few.  We then went to Jame's pilates studio next to family oxygen.  It was lime green and full of interesting equipment, most of which we all made fools of ourselves on.  James and Curina are a classic couple and both had their own ways of looking at things/teaching.  Curina taught me a few moves, but was a touch to impatient w/ me, but undoubtedly b/c it was my first time and she was throwing all the advanced stuff at me!!  I realized how much I favor my R side.  It was cool to see my dad getting worked out by James!!  We then went Paw Paw hunting until dark and checked out James's house (undergoing major work- has a basement now, expanding off the back side of the house and putting in stairs to the basement).  It was a quick visit but meant a lot to me.  I love that town and the remaining few people I know!!  I even ran into Marissa my old neighbor who is just finishing up PT school and wants to become a traveler.  Definitely a "meant to be" trip!!  I slept the whole way home!!!

Got in bed at around 1:30.....feel bad for my daddy!!  Got woken up at 7:30 by my mama.  She came and got me, then we walked in the woods for a minute before joining Gramps and Phyllis at Ruby Tuesdays.  We finished off the visit w/ some more wandering and chatting in the Metroparks.  I got my plane early (no line at all), and made it to Houston w/o a problem.  Now I'm finishing off the day w/ a 4 hr flight to Seattle from a lightning storm in Houston.  Another chapter in life.....written......

So great to see the family and get a good dose of love infusion.  Can't wait to charge into this next!!  Nelson w/ Lily?  PA w/ myself?  Traveling some more?!!  We'll see!!  

Richland Wrap-up

Well......I completed the Richland, WA assignment.  The last week of work was a blur, seeing as I got back in semi-late (as usual) on Monday and never really felt like I caught up on sleep.  I also did a poor job of packing right up to the last minute.  Luckily for me I took a load to Port Angeles (PA) last weekend, b/c it was a 2/3-3/4 load again this time.  I never seem to realize how much stuff I have until I try to pack it into my truck.  Living w/ Faith Martin was nice and she gave me lots of space (was at her BF Bobby's a lot).  I never really hung out with anyone during the week, usually spending time after work plucking around on the computer trying to chart my next move, watching bike movies to keep myself stoked, or doing the Core Performance workout (which I gained a new respect for- if I could keep it up for the full 13 weeks I would be a BEAST!!).  I managed to not eat out once during the whole 13 weeks in the Tri-Cities.  I only went to the health food store for a frozen burrito or almond butter and jam the few times I didn't have left-overs or garden burgers to eat.  I was proud of myself for keeping up with cooking and eating mainly vegan and not packing on the pounds during a semi-sedentary spell (I was boarding and biking for 7 months before this gig!!).  It was kind of a bummer being hurt the past few weeks.  I nailed a tree on "Mechanical Tragedy" at the North Fork doing my fourth top-to-bottom run of the day.  I was really in the zone and just took my eye off the trail for a SPLIT second which was long enough to drift towards a tree, nail it with my fist first, then my shoulder, then my head.  It sucked!!  Three weeks later it still hurts.  I was silly enough to NOT go and get an x-ray.  Probably ligamentous damage anyways (fifth carpal metacarpal joint).  I needed a moment off the bike anyways as I was getting WAY too comfortable and riding faster than ever.  Something was bound to take me out and this is pretty minor compared to all the other injuries sustained by my friends this year- John Cooley- femur fx, Seth Esterby- collar bone fracture, Spencer- radius and ulna, Sam Burkhart- T6 fracture, Brad- wrist on GMG, Seth's GF Sherry- dislocated shoulder at Galbraith.  We do some pretty gnarly stuff!!